Create Your Jewish Legacy
A Caring Community
Jennifer Clark
Rockdale: A Caring Community by Jennifer Clark
I think about why I decided to participate in CYJL. I am not from Cincinnati, I am not a lifer, I am married to a man who was raised Catholic, and is not Jewish, and I have been a member of Temple for the past 8 years. In this very short span of time, Rockdale has become my home and my family.
I think about the way I feel when I walk in the door. I feel like I am home and I belong. EVERYONE in my family is welcome. The way that I practice my Judaism does not matter, because what is important is that I am present.
Rockdale takes you as you are, and welcomes you with wide-open arms.
The Rockdale Community is a community of diverse people. I can say that I have friends that are a lot younger than I am as well as a lot older.
The Rockdale Community support LGBTQ+ members proudly and marches in the Pride parade every year.
Rockdale formed the Justice Collaborative to focus on social justice issues that are meaningful to our members.
Rockdale cares tremendously about the environment and has a committee for that.
Rockdale is about action. We participate in marches, task forces, government reform, gender equality, Jewish values, ritual, and the whole family is involved.
My adult children have gone through religious school at Rockdale and know that they are welcome any time. My husband knows that even though he is not Jewish, that he is welcome and accepted for who he is and for however much he wants to participate.
I am proud to be part of this vibrant, active community that values every person no matter their age, gender, color of their skin, or socioeconomic background. This is why I am leaving a legacy gift to Rockdale Temple through CYJL. I am proud of this sacred community and the many relationships that I have built.
Sat, February 15 2025
17 Sh'vat 5785