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Kehal Kodesh Registration 2024-2025

Please complete this registration form each year so that we have updated information for your child(ren). Contact the Rockdale Temple office with any issues with the form (513-891-9900 or Thank you! 
Parent/Caregiver 1 Information

Parent/Caregiver 2 Information

Student 1 Information

What does your student preferred to be called?
(he/him, she/her, they/them, etc.)
Optional. If applicable, we will contact you prior to the start of the school year for a confidential conversation.
If applicable, we will contact you prior to the start of the school year for a confidential conversation.
Student 2 Information
What does your student preferred to be called?
(he/him, she/her, they/them, etc.)
Optional. If applicable, we will contact you prior to the start of the school year for a confidential conversation.
If applicable, we will contact you prior to the start of the school year for a confidential conversation.
Student 3 Information
What does your student preferred to be called?
(he/him, she/her, they/them, etc.)
Optional. If applicable, we will contact you prior to the start of the school year for a confidential conversation.
If applicable, we will contact you prior to the start of the school year for a confidential conversation.
Student 4 Information
What does your student preferred to be called?
(he/him, she/her, they/them, etc.)
Optional. If applicable, we will contact you prior to the start of the school year for a confidential conversation.
If applicable, we will contact you prior to the start of the school year for a confidential conversation.
In Case of Emergency

Public Health and Safety Statement for Rockdale Temple
Learners, Educators, Madrichim, and Staff

2024-2025 | 5785

Public Health as a Jewish Value
Families send their children to religious school, youth group, and Rockdale Temple programs and assume that their children will enjoy themselves, have positive social interactions, learn from the rich Jewish environment, and be safe and healthy. One of our most cherished Jewish values is the imperative for preserving life and maintaining health. We embrace this value specifically by taking preventive measures to protect the public health of our community as a whole.

Routine Vaccination Policy
Any individual who attends as a student, serves as a madrich/a/ol, and/or teaches in our Kehal Kodesh School (whether children or adults) must have up-to-date, age-appropriate vaccines as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). If your child has a medical exemption from vaccinations, please contact Rabbi Binder. Please sign electronically on your online registration form to signify your understanding of this sacred trust.

COVID-19 Update
We continue to strongly encourage all members of our community to be fully vaccinated with updated boosters against COVID-19. If you or a member of your household are not feeling well, we ask that you stay home. Rockdale may require masking depending on the local COVID-19 status, in accordance with CDC guidelines, our leadership, and our Jewish values. Any and all are welcome to mask according to their own comfort level.
We greatly appreciate your patience and partnership as we work towards creating a safe and inclusive community together. 

If you have any questions or would like to discuss these issues further, please contact Rabbi Binder.
Please note: If you do not agree to the above policy and your child(ren) does not have a qualifying medical exemption, we are unable to enroll them in religious school.

וְשִׁנַּנְתָּם לְבָנֶיךָ – v’shinantam l’vanecha –
And you shall teach them diligently to your children (Deut. 6:6)


Our Torah teaches that each of us has an obligation to impart to our children the rituals, texts, observances, and values of Jewish tradition. As creators of a true kehal kodesh, a sacred community, we invite students, teachers, and families to work to together to help our children embrace a life of Jewish learning and to form strong, positive Jewish identities. We invite you to review this brit (covenant) as a family. Please sign electronically on your online registration form to signify your understanding of this sacred trust.


  • send your children to school REGULARLY and ON TIME

  • participate in Sunday Family t’filah (prayer services)

  • show an interest in what your children are learning

  • make Religious School one of your children’s priorities

  • periodically attend Shabbat services with your children

  • attend family education and family-oriented school events

  • communicate with educators/staff if problems arise

  • encourage students to approach Religious School with the same commitment as they do secular school


  • attend school regularly

  • approach your education with dedication:

    • come to school regularly and on time

    • arrive prepared to learn

    • participate in activities, discussions, and projects

  • behave appropriately in school:

    • respect the dignity of everyone in the school community – rabbis, educators, staff, madrichim, and peers

    • respect your own property, the Temple and JCC, and the property of others

    • work to ensure that the school environment is safe for you and others

  • periodically attend Shabbat services with your family


  • provide educators and staff committed to excellence in teaching

  • provide support materials necessary for learning

  • create a safe and nurturing environment conducive to learning and the development of self-esteem

  • respect and provide for the needs of individual learners

  • maintain on-going communication with parents and caregivers

  • demonstrate a love of Judaism and dedication to Jewish living and learning, and contribute to students’ positive Jewish identity

Kehal Kodesh School of Rockdale Temple instills knowledge and love of Reform Judaism. We provide pathways to spirituality and God through instruction in Torah, ritual, traditions, Tikkun Olam (social responsibility), and connections with our sacred community. Inspired by our mission, Kehal Kodesh School aims to provide our students with an excellent Jewish education, focused on our values and traditions and rooted in the belief that all everyone is made b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God. Our goal is to meet every child where they are, include them in our sacred school community, and offer the skills and opportunities to live Jewishly.

Sat, February 15 2025 17 Sh'vat 5785